Coming Back to Life
Work That Reconnects Weekend
with Constance Washburn & Molly Young Brown
October 7-9
University of Earth - Graeagle, Ca
The Work That Reconnects helps us to uncover and experience our innate connections with each other and the healing powers of the web of life, so we can discover our role in creating a world that works for all life. Pioneered by Joanna Macy in the late 1970's, this highly experiential and interactive work draws from deep ecology, living systems theory, social justice and many spiritual traditions. "The Spiral" of the work moves through Gratitude, Honoring Our Pain for the World, Seeing With New Eyes, and Going Forth.
If you are looking for inspiration and support or are feeling overwhelmed, helpless -, burnt out, or lonely in your love and concern for our world, the Work That Reconnects is medicine for the soul as we explore how, working together, we can build a healthy world for future generations.
For More Information - University of Earth -530 368-6325 or [email protected]
Engaging our hearts and minds to act on behalf of life
Alternate Sunday afternoons Nov 6th - Feb. 5
Register at www.consciouselders.org
The course covers the underlying principles and ideas of CEN and invites a shift in participants from individual self to global self and from “ senior” to empowered Elder. The Course uses the practices of the Work That Reconnects, Ageing to Sageing, Sacred Activism and more to help us explore what it means to be alive on Earth at this time.
A 5-day Work That Reconnects for the Conscious Elders Network
February 19-23, 2017
San Damiano Retreat Center, Danville CA.
with Molly Young Brown & Constance Washburn
to Register : www.consciouselders.org
Awakening The Courageous Heart
Work That Reconnects retreats, February an August 2015,
"If you are serious about doing something valuable with the time you have here on this blessed planet, this workshop is the place to start." Mike Lerner
"One of the most amazing spiritual, emotional and intellectual experiences of my lifetime. This retreat is a must for all those involved in the transformation of our world toward life affirmation." Ann Aurelia López, Ph.D.
"When I took the Work That Reconnects....I found that it provided everything I had hoped for and more. This retreat provides especially relevant background in both intellectual and emotional realms for what we must do as elders - going forth to address changing our society and culture that are in desperate need of healing and redirection. .. I wholeheartedly recommend this retreat as foundational to what conscious elders are about. "
John Sorensen, Founder, Coordinating Director, Conscious Elders Network
If you are interested in booking a workshop, class, or retreat,
being on my mailing list and getting information on upcoming events
Please contact me.
Coming Back to Life
Work That Reconnects Weekend
with Constance Washburn & Molly Young Brown
October 7-9
University of Earth - Graeagle, Ca
The Work That Reconnects helps us to uncover and experience our innate connections with each other and the healing powers of the web of life, so we can discover our role in creating a world that works for all life. Pioneered by Joanna Macy in the late 1970's, this highly experiential and interactive work draws from deep ecology, living systems theory, social justice and many spiritual traditions. "The Spiral" of the work moves through Gratitude, Honoring Our Pain for the World, Seeing With New Eyes, and Going Forth.
If you are looking for inspiration and support or are feeling overwhelmed, helpless -, burnt out, or lonely in your love and concern for our world, the Work That Reconnects is medicine for the soul as we explore how, working together, we can build a healthy world for future generations.
For More Information - University of Earth -530 368-6325 or [email protected]
Engaging our hearts and minds to act on behalf of life
Alternate Sunday afternoons Nov 6th - Feb. 5
Register at www.consciouselders.org
The course covers the underlying principles and ideas of CEN and invites a shift in participants from individual self to global self and from “ senior” to empowered Elder. The Course uses the practices of the Work That Reconnects, Ageing to Sageing, Sacred Activism and more to help us explore what it means to be alive on Earth at this time.
A 5-day Work That Reconnects for the Conscious Elders Network
February 19-23, 2017
San Damiano Retreat Center, Danville CA.
with Molly Young Brown & Constance Washburn
to Register : www.consciouselders.org
Awakening The Courageous Heart
Work That Reconnects retreats, February an August 2015,
"If you are serious about doing something valuable with the time you have here on this blessed planet, this workshop is the place to start." Mike Lerner
"One of the most amazing spiritual, emotional and intellectual experiences of my lifetime. This retreat is a must for all those involved in the transformation of our world toward life affirmation." Ann Aurelia López, Ph.D.
"When I took the Work That Reconnects....I found that it provided everything I had hoped for and more. This retreat provides especially relevant background in both intellectual and emotional realms for what we must do as elders - going forth to address changing our society and culture that are in desperate need of healing and redirection. .. I wholeheartedly recommend this retreat as foundational to what conscious elders are about. "
John Sorensen, Founder, Coordinating Director, Conscious Elders Network
If you are interested in booking a workshop, class, or retreat,
being on my mailing list and getting information on upcoming events
Please contact me.
“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things are connected.”
- Chief Seattle |
My work and my passion is to create the space for people to reconnect
with themselves, their communities, and the planet. When we rest in our
interconnection with the web of life we find our true power,
happiness, and the inspiration to work together towards a healthy,
thriving world for all.