I can't thank you enough for generously sharing your time, presence, and wisdom with us. For me your course was like walking through an open door into a new way of seeing the campaign to save our ecosystems, animals, and plants. It brought in emotional, psychological, and spiritual elements that I found so nourishing.
Exploring the Spiral of the Work That Reconnects
Develop the courage and creativity needed to face the realities of the world today. If you are a teacher, therapist, activist, parent, grandparent or concerned human these offerings will give you tools to use in your life and awaken your passion and love for living.
This workshop is offered in 3 formats: 1. a 4 class webinar series, 2. a day long webinar. 2. an in person weekend workshop.
Contact Me for more information on workshops and webinars.
THE WORK THAT RECONNECTS Drawing from deep ecology, systems theory and spiritual traditions, the Work That Reconnects (WTR) builds motivation, creativity, courage and solidarity for the transition to a sustainable human culture. First emerging in 1978, this pioneering, open-source body of work has its roots in the teachings and experiential methods of Joanna Macy.
THE SPIRAL OF THE WORK THAT RECONNECTS The Spiral of the WTR starts with gratitude to open the heart then moves to honoring our pain for the world. Once we have opened our hearts and dived down into our grief, rage, fear, and despair for life then we are able to see with new eyes the possibilities for building new structures and making real changes. The final piece of the spiral is going forth with our new ideas into the world to do what needs to get done.
1. Introduction to the Work That Reconnects (WTR) – The Work that Reconnects provides us with a way of seeing the world and our roles in it in a new way. We will will explore the three dimensions of the Great Turning, the three stories of our time, the Spiral of the WTR, systems thinking, and deep time. We will experience a number of exercises, explore deep time and our roles in the Great Turning.
2. Gratitude – The first step in the spiral of the WTR Gratitude is a revolutionary act in our consumer culture. This interactive workshop will explore how gratitude can help us through these hard times and shift us away from fear and paralysis. Can we in the midst of our busy lives and our anxiety over the state of the world find gratitude? How can gratitude put us in touch with our hearts and open our minds to our interconnection to all life? Understanding our interconnection re-inspires our dedication to working on behalf of life. Exercises will build community and respect for our contributions to the Great Turning as well as open our hearts to our love for the world.
3.Honoring our pain for the world – The second step in the Spiral of WTR Feeling and honoring our pain and grief for what is happening in the world frees up energy for action. If we close our eyes to what is happening to the earth because we don’t want to feel the grief then we also do not feel the love that will motivate us to act on behalf of the earth. The WTR has many exercises to safely help us get in touch with our grief, rage, despair, and fear. We will create a sacred space for this work and touch into our pain so we can liberate the love, hope, and joy just below the surface.
4. Seeing with New Eyes – The third step in the Spiral of WTR To make the changes needed in the world we need an inner revolution. We must shift our perceptions of our relationships to the earth and life on the planet. We are part of a living system and must reclaim an understanding of the interdependence of all phenomena. Through interactive exercises we will explore systems theory and through mindfulness exercises open our awareness to our interconnection. We also need to take the blinders off and understand the structures that are in place that keep business as usual going. Seeing with new eyes can also mean understanding what is right in front of us that we don’t see. And it means seeing new ways of doing things.
5. Going Forth – The fourth step in the Spiral of WTR What is our role in the Great Turning? What can we do? What is our power? Through visualizations and interactive exercise we will look at what we bring to the Great Turning and what we would do if we knew we could not fail. How can we move forward? What are our next steps? Through journaling and group work we will outline our action plan. One of the biggest obstacles to success and change is not asking for help. In interactive exercises we will practice asking for help and finding allies in the WTR.
WHY TAKE THE COURSE? In this time of crisis we long to take part in the healing of the world and the creation of a sustainable future for our children and the children of all species. But we can be daunted by the magnitude of the problems as well as overwhelmed by the fear, grief, and anger that arises when we face the realities of climate change.
WHO SHOULD TAKE THE COURSE? As teachers, facilitators, counselors, activists, parents, grandparents, business leaders and community members we need to talk about what is happening on the planet in ways that inspire action, creativity, and hope. We need to inspire ourselves so we can build community cooperation and resiliency to navigate the bumpy road ahead.
WHAT ARE THE LEARNINGS? The Work That Reconnects (WTR) provides interactive exercises that explore new concepts, language, ways of seeing, and tools for participation in the Great Turning. The Spiral of WTR gives us ways to open to our passion, power and wisdom so that we can be the leaders / guides needed in our communities as we navigate a new and uncertain future.
Learn new stories and concepts to communicate and understand the challenges of our time.
Reconnect to the wonder and beauty of this earth.
Rediscover our joy, our creativity, and the gifts we bring to our communities.
Move through our grief and fear to our love and courage.
Find power in our interconnectedness with both the human and non-human world.
Shift our perception of what is possible.
Find the inspiration and creativity to move our work and our co-workers towards a sustainable and innovative future.
Embrace this time on planet earth as a great adventure that is asking us to step up and be heroes.
Strengthen our intention to act for the sake of life on Earth.
Clarify our vision of how we can act for the healing of the world.
REVIEWS OF PREVIOUS WORKSHOPS “People really need this sort of work more than ever. I now feel less isolated in my grief. “ - Jolie
“Simply being present and attentive with a group of people who are committed to this work, is inspiring and restorative for me. My connection with the world (within and without) feels deeper…. It seems to me that everyone would benefit if they could enter this work with an open heart and mind. I wish we could bring this work into schools (not just for the kids but the staff and teachers). I also think it would be great to bring this work into the addictions / recovery field.” - Raven